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Was sich anfangs wie eine der üblichen Gag-Meldungen aus dem "Hause" Microsoft anhörte, wurde rasch von Nachrichtendiensten aus aller Welt bestätigt: Bill Gates wurde die Salbung des Aktionskünstlers Noel Godin zu teil! Hier die IDG-News:

    Gates gets creamed with pie in Brussels

    By Elinor Mills
    InfoWorld Electric

    Posted at 1:27 PM PT, Feb 4, 1998
    An anarchist group with a sweet tooth but no Windows vendetta has taken responsibility for throwing a cream pie in the face of Microsoft Chairman and CEO Bill Gates on Wednesday in Brussels, Belgium.

    The incident happened as Gates was walking from his car toward the Concert Noble hall for an education conference attended by 450 business and government leaders and sponsored by the Flemish government, Microsoft representative Erin Brewer said.

    At least one pie was thrown at him before Gates was led into the building with cream covering his glasses and dripping onto his dark suit, according to reports by the Associated Press and Dow Jones.

    Two men were taken into custody and others are believed to have been involved, Brewer said. However, Gates is not going to press charges, she said.


    The men apparently were not motivated by software politics.

    "A group based out of Belgium makes it a practice of targeting public figures with these pranks," Brewer said. "They are notorious for throwing pies for publicity and possibly even for commercial profit to sell pictures or [video] footage."



    Noel Godin, the leader of the group that calls itself L'Antartreur, claimed responsibility for the incident on Belgian TV, according to Brewer. But throwing pie in Gates' face apparently didn't satisfy Godin, who indicated he was disappointed at Gates' humble reaction, she said.

    "Bill was able to laugh about it and, fortunately, clean up and move on," Brewer said.

    Microsoft Corp., in Redmond, Wash., can be reached at http://www.microsoft.com/.


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