Das System Bill Gates

Stefan Krempl


Fundamente der Marktmacht Microsofts und ihre
Interpretation im aktuellen Gerichtsverfahren


Schwierigkeiten und Ansatzpunkte eines Kartellrechtsverfahrens


Das Justizministerium stützt sich in seiner Anklageerhebung auf Sektion 2 des Sherman Act, die dominierendes Marktverhalten von Unternehmen anspricht. Es muß deshalb nicht nur nachweisen, daß es sich bei Microsoft um ein Monopol handelt, sondern auch, daß die an den Tag gelegten Business-Strategien schädlich für den Markt und vor allem den Verbraucher sind.


"Section 2 cases are hard to win, period," says [Joe] SiMicrosoft, echoing other antitrust laywers. "The burden of proof in a Section 2 case requires not only that you prove the person is a monopolist, or is dangerously close to being one, but also that [the] company doesn't have a legitimate business justification for what it's doing." .. "The government will be asking the judge to take away the short-run consumer benefits so we have the opportunity of getting to the long-run".. "It's always hard," [Sam] Miller says, "to prove a company has crossed the line from hard-core competition, which is perfectly legal, into anti-competitive activity.

Gary Rivlin: Dance, Microsoft. In: Upside vom 18.8.98


The government also will have to show such conduct actually hurt consumers by stifling meaningful competition and innovation.. Antitrust law, which is based mainly on ever-changing court decisions, is murky enough that lawyers disagree over exactly how much harm must be proved. Or for that matter, whether the damage to consumers must have already occured.

Business Week vom 16.11.98


next: Im Mittelpunkt des Verfahrens: Der Verbraucher und die Medien


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