Das System Bill Gates

Stefan Krempl


Fundamente der Marktmacht Microsofts und ihre
Interpretation im aktuellen Gerichtsverfahren


(Noch) kein Slowdown bei Microsoft


Neue Investitionen und Kooperationen seit Mai:

  • Road Runner Group (High-Speed-Internetprovider): $250 Millionen

  • Gründung von Wireless Knowledge zusammen mit Qualcomm (Startkapital: $25 Millionen je Firma): Einstieg in den Mobilfunkverkehr

Ausbau und erneuter Relaunch von Microsoftn.com (NYT: The new strategy: Keeping web surfers busy with series of Microsoft Sites) sowie der Microsoft Homepage selbst (Online-Verkäufer von Microsoft-Produkten erhalten Link, aber nur, wenn sie Microsoft's Commerce-Server-Applikation installieren)

Integration von WebTV in Windows (Markt für Internet Appliances sowie Digital TV)


At the moment Microsoft is trailing Yahoo! Inc. and America Online Inc., rank number one and number two among Web portals.. The aim is to turn MicrosoftN.com into an Internet equivalent of a vast shopping mall, a place people stay to do all their business and even have some fun.. Microsoft could have an edge because it owns and controls its destination sites.

Eric Nee: Welcome to my Store. Forbes vom 19.10.98


In the year since the feds sued Microsoft for violating a consent decree, the software maker has not backed off from the agressive tactics that have made it the most powerful force in the computer industry. If anything, Microsoft is pressing harder than ever, barreling into new markets while tightening its hold on customers that rely on its PC software.

Business Week vom 26.10.98


next: Der Markt und seine "invisible hands" -- die ultimative Lösung?


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